Yesterday was a lazy day, and we watched college football ALL DAY LONG! Okay, that is a lie...we did watch a movie, "Mr. Brooks", during a period where the games were pretty lame. (Crazy movie...a bit demented. But, it was pretty good.) We did finally get up and moving, and went to church at 7pm. And then came home and watched more football and tennis. Hee hee!
I thought I would share my Chatterbox submission today. I was part of the DT callback, but did not make the actual team. Which is fine- I feel like my submission was lacking a bit. But, to give me a little bit of credit...I had to do my submission while in Utah at the SOY thing and CKU, so I wasn't creating in the comforts of my scrapbook room. I do much better work there! :)
This was the layout that was the required assignment. I REALLY wish I would have had access to my Cricut...because I have the cutest strawberry cut-out on the Indie Arts cartridge that would have been a cute part of the accent. Oh well...I did what I could with what I had access to.

Well, I think I am in the mood to scrap now! So, I am going to eat some lunch and then hunker down at my scrap desk and get some stuff done. Have a wonderful Sunday!
5 more days til Panther football,
I have a couple cards to show today. First up is the card I gave a peek of in my last post. This is my card for this week's sketch, #79, at CPS. This is the new "Sanoma" line by Scenic Route...SO pretty! I love it!

My dad called last night to let us know that Casey and his team had their first practice under the lights! What fun! We have been having late fall temperatures the past few days though, so it was like 30 degrees in Sheridan last night! He said it was COLD! That never phases the football players though, and my dad said they look so good this year. His coach came over to my dad and said, "I have two things to say. One, I feel bad for the kid who has to touch Josh. And two, I feel really bad for the kids who have to try to catch Casey." Josh is a defensive end who has gotten really big this year, and is just hitting like a mac truck. And I have already told you about Casey's velocity training in past posts, and the training has really paid off. It is going to be even more fun to watch him this year! I just hope he isn't a blur in all my photos...tee hee!
Well, that is all for me today. I hope that you have had a wonderful week!
Only 8 days until Panther football!!
I got this layout done of my cousin's daughter, Kyla, yesterday afternoon. I LOVE to photograph this little girl, and add her to my scrapbooks so they will have some kids in them! :) I used a lot of KI Memories "Bloom" collection on this, and my favorite diecut butterfly from the Indie Arts cartridge for my Cricut. You can't really tell in the photo, but the bottom layer of the butterfly is all it! (Click on the image to see more detail!)

I am also a little late at posting this, but the beginning of August means I can upload my cards from the June issue of Cards Magazine. Here is what I had in the magazine that month!

Less than two weeks until Panther football kicks of the season,

And this is my card for this week's sketch, sketch 78 at the CPS Blog, featuring more of the same line from Sassafras. I believe the new lines are going to be in stores soon...and I want ALL of them. So, I am trying to use up my existing stash of Sass to make room for the new stuff!
Any great plans for the weekend? Josh has to work a lot this weekend, so I am going to just lay low. Get some scrapping in, church on Saturday night, and clean the house up. It is a bit of a wreck from the past few weeks. We have gotten a lot done over this week, but I need to do the not fun things like dust, mop the floors, clean bathrooms, etc. Yuck...but it's got to get done!
The countdown is now to 14 days until Casey's first football game! I get more excited by the minute! Who knew I would end up with a "star" quarterback for a little brother? Tee hee!
Well, that is all I have for now! I hope that everyone has a very happy Friday!

Supply List:
Cardstock: Prism
Patterned Paper: Scenic Route
Lace Paper: KI Memories
Letter Stickers: Doodlebug Designs (blue) & Making Memories (white)
Rubber Charm: October Afternoon
Ribbon: Michael's brand
Ink: Clearsnap
“Luv U Lots” Card
Supply List:
Cardstock: Bazzill
Paper/Stickers: Sassafras
Ribbon: Michael’s brand
Rub-ons: Doodlebug Designs
Rhinestones: Doodlebug Designs & Glitz Designs
Ink: Clearsnap
And last but not least, this card uses the sketch from two weeks ago, Kazan's Sketch 6. I used KI Memories "Bloom" collection on this one! So bright and fun...just love it! “Thank You” Card
Supply List:
Cardstock: Wausau
Paper/Stickers: KI Memories
Felt Accent: Provo Craft
Rhinestones: Jesse James & Glitz Designs
Ink: Clearsnap
Corner Rounder: EK Success
It is nice to get back into my scrappy groove! I have felt a bit out of sorts the past couple of weeks....but am now ready to get back full force! I have some really cute layouts sketched out that I will actually be posting online (gasp), so be sure to check back for those!
And who else is excited for FOOTBALL SEASON to begin! I am ready for high school football and college football to begin! I don't mind NFL, but it isn't my favorite. You can bet though...any time there is football on TV that it is on at our house! Josh is a big football nut, and will talk to his dad all day long on Saturdays about the games going on. It is really my favorite time of year. Cooler temperatures that are still bearable, the excitement of football, the changing colors, searching for that perfect pumpkin...and all of this leading into the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. I love fall...and I am ready for it!
My little brother is gearing up for another great season of football as well! He will be a junior this year, and starting at quarterback. Since it is small town, 8-man football...he is also the kicker, defensive end (I think that is what it is called) and a blocker once the ball leaves his hands as QB. It is so fun to watch, and he LOVES it. This is their first week of practice (they did have a football camp a few weeks ago as well), and it sounds like they are looking HOT. Their first game of the season is a rematch of the state championship game last year!! They lost that one...but I have a feeling times are starting to change in Class C football in Montana. I think it may just be the year of the Panther. Oh yes...there is a change drifting in the crisp Montana air...a big change! Go purple!
We travel to EVERY game, no matter where it is. And I have a super sexy sports lens to shoot photos with this year....YES! So excited to use it! Only sixteen more days until the craziness begins...and I love it!
Card info: Cardstock (Bazzill), Paper (KI Memories), Stickers (Making Memories), Ribbon (Michael's brand), Rhinestones (Glitz Designs & Westrim Crafts), Stamps (Inque Boutique), Ink (StazOn & Clearsnap), and Border Punch (Fiskars).
So, I had to use a ruler, pencil lines, and scissors to complete this card! I went to start it on Wednesday night...and when I went to use my ripped up the peice of paper I was trying to cut. Looking closer at the trimmer (I have the MM Precision Trimmer), the blade had been pushed out of the correct cutting position, and would not go back. Something must have fallen on it pretty hard during the car ride home this weekend. It was fairly late on Wednesday night, so there was no way to get a I had to go old school. I know you are probably thinking...why the heck did she not use a metal ruler and an exacto knife?! Trust me when I say....I can't cut a straight line to save my life with those two tools. So- time to go get a new trimmer. Hopefully there will be a coupon on Sunday for M's! :)
So, that is all I have done this week...other than putting things away, trying to find room for all the stuff I came home with...etc. I needed a bit of a break this week, so I watched the Olympics instead of scrapping. I love the Olympics...but boy are they exhausting me! Going until midnight or later this week...but I don't want to miss a thing, so I stay up and watch! I have to give a big WHOO HOOO for Nastia and Shawn for USA Women's gymnastics last night for taking Gold and Silver...and for competing HONESTLY. There is no way those girls from China are the age of 16 like they are supposed to be. Did you notice in the team event that quite a few of them are still losing teeth and growing in permanent teeth? Pretty sure I had all my permanent teeth AND braces off by the age of 16. I find that so irritating, and I really hope the IOC looks into it once the games are over and all atheletes are safe at home.
Have a happy weekend!
It all started on Tuesday when this arrived at my workplace:

I left Missoula EARLY on Wednesday morning, and arrived at 9am. Josh picked me up at the airport and we headed straight to the CK offices. They gave me a tour of the building, and then let me set up for my video segments. That was the project this year. We had to plan out two 2-3 minute video segments (projects, etc...) based on 3 subjects they gave us. I did my video segments (kind-of scary) and then they revealed I had one more segment to do with Lori Fairbanks. That one was a piece of cake, because by then I was a pro. ;)
After that I called Josh, and he came and picked me up. We drove down to Provo, got checked in, and just relaxed for a bit. One of the finalists, Shelly, had some major flight delays. So, the 4 of us met with each other for a bit, and then met with some editorial staff as well.
Then it was time to go get ready for the banquet. Josh came down early with me, and took this really great photo for me.

Here I am getting some goodies from two of the major sponsors, Wausau Paper and Sizzix. I have so much cardstock now it is crazy, and a Sizzix Big Shot. Do you think I am set on die cut machines yet? Tee hee...I am very grateful for it all, and will definitely be using them! So, thank you to the sponsors for all the great goodies!

The next day started our time at CKU- Provo. These ladies sought me out right off the bat, as they were from Montana too!! Gotta love meeting fellow Montana scrappers! They were super sweet...I am so glad I met them.

And then here are Shelly and I with our finished creations from Tim's class on Friday. Notice we are showing off our inked up fingers...that is probably the only time you will see that on me! I really enjoyed his class though...and learning how to use his product. I am not much of a technique-y girl, unless it is clean and graphic looking...but I do love the project that I finished in class. I am going to add some of my own touches to it, and hang it in my scrap room.

All in all...I had a great time. Do I wish I had won...of course. I had some great uses for that $10,000! But, life went on right after the announcement was made, and so did I. I am proud of how far I did make it in the contest, and the most important part...I LOVE each and every layout that I completed for my SOY portfolio. They are treasures in my scrapbook albums, and that is what it is all about.
Well, that is all from me for now! I hope you enjoyed my little trip through photos...thanks for all the sweet comments and emails over this past week, it really brightened my days!

The rest of the week we are students at CKU-Provo, which I am excited about! I think it will be fun to do all the classes, and the crop time. I mostly brought stuff to do cards during the crop times, except for my Chatterbox projects. Those have to get done first thing on Thursday evening!
My DT coordinator from Provo Craft, Sue, is going to give me a tour of of PC and then take me to dinner on Thursday during the free time away from CKU. I am very excited about meeting her and whoever else we might run into. It is always nice to finally place names with faces!
I am so thankful that Josh is going to be there, and how supportive he has been through all of this. He has decided to get in a lot of pool time while I am doing my scrappy thing! :) He is such a wonderful husband...I love him! (Good thing, huh?)
Well, I am going to close up for now. There is a 20% chance that the next time I post an entry, I could be doing it as the 2008 SOY winner...tee hee! Have a great Monday!

To you I give my life, not just the parts I want to
To you I sacrifice these dreams that I hold on to
Your thoughts are higher than mine
Your words are deeper than mine
Your love is stronger than mine
This is no sacrifice
Here's my life
To you I give the gifts
Your love has given me
How can I hoard the treasures that you've designed for free?
Your thoughts are higher than mine
Your words are deeper than mine
Your love is staronger than mine
This is no sacrifice
Here's my life
To you I give my future
As long as it may last
To you I give my present
To you I give my past
Your thoughts are higher than mine
Your words are deeper than mine
Your love is stronger than mine
Your thoughts are higher than mine
Your words are deeper than mine
Your love is stronger than mine
This is no sacrifice
Here's my life

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who “tagged” you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry is posted on your blog.
1. I love to veg out and do nothing. I am busy enough, that I COULD be doing something all the time. But, I don't. I love sitting on the couch watching TV or movies by myself or with my husband.
2. I alluded to this in my last post, but I still buy CD's. I prefer them actually. And I don't have an Ipod...not really a necessity because I don't know when I would use it.
3. I love dancing to 80's music or cheesy current pop music while scrapbooking. It gets my creative juices flowing.
4. I really want to be a cheerleading coach someday.
5. I want to go to photography school.
6. I am really happy that my little brother's girlfriend is now his ex-girlfriend.
Okay- so here is who I am going to tag. You should check out their blogs too...because they have awesome eye candy as well...such talent in this crazy world of crafting!
Laura D.
Well, I have about a zillion projects to get done this weekend...and we really want to go to the lake tomorrow! So, I better get to it! Have a great rest of your Friday!
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