First up is my card for sketch #100 at CPS! Like I said a few posts ago, we are having a HUGE celebration, because not only did we reach 100 sketches, but our 2 year birthday is the week of February 14th! So, we are having a huge party for the next few weeks! This week my sponsor was Cornish Heritage Farms, and we got this gorgeous stamp set called "Vintage Butterflies". It really is a beautiful stamp set, be sure to check it out if you get a chance! The best part about this card is I used up a every Sassafras scrap I had from the "My Dearest", "Pocket Full of Rosies", and "Woodland Whimsy" lines. Gotta love that!

Nothing else real special going on here! Just normal stuff, like work, dinner, cardmaking, and hanging out with Josh and the pups. Oh- our poor Bailey dog (the yorkie) hurt his leg on Monday night, and I had to take him to the vet on Tuesday. Thankfully he is okay, and was sent home with some anti-inflammatory medicine. He is back to his normal self, but we are trying to keep him from rough housing with Sadie (the cocker). That is what caused it in the first place! She isn't agressive with him, but he is with I daresay that his knee injury is HIS fault. Hee hee!
Until later,
Up next is my card for the bonus sketch this week at 2S4U. The sketch was done up by Rae Barthel, one of the DT members of the blog. It was a fun sketch to work with, so be sure to scroll down further in the post to see it! I used some Creative Cafe felt as my background, and some October Afternoon and Heidi Swapp paper scraps on this one. AND, I so used the collection name from my first card as part of my sentiment...I was totally inspired! And those cute cupcake stickers are from Martha Stewart Crafts. Love them!
I came upon another sketch blog recently called "Friday Sketchers", and fell in love with the latest sketch. So, of course, I had to whip something up for it. This is my card that is inspired by sketch #36. Love having another sketch blog to frequent...I think I am addicted to card challenges! Hee! This card has Glitz Designs "Hot Mama" and Little Yellow Bicycle "Love Letters" collections mixed together. The diecut accents were cut out with my Cricut Expression and the cartridges "Storybook" and "Going Places".
My blog friend Katie asked about how I take photos of my cards. I don't have a light box, but I do have a procedure that seems to work for me. I am no pro, but most of the time I think my photos look pretty good. So, here is my process. Part of my desk faces east, and that is where I set up my cardstock backdrop. I normally use white, but if the card is primarily white, I will use black or a coordinating color. The window streams light in from the north, so during the winter I can get good shots from 10a-3 or 4p, and in the summer...about 7a-9p. If I have a lot of light coming in from outside, I don't turn the lights on in the room at all. This helps keep the natural colors of the card. If it is a bit dreary or cloudy out, I will turn on the main light in the room, and the lamp furthest from the east side of my desk. Any lamp light too close causes weird shadowing and coloring. Once the photo is on my computer, I adjust the levels in Photoshop, run an unsharp mask, and run my card frame action. That is my process in a nutshell. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
That is everything I have to share craft wise. We are going to watch Casey play basketball tonight, so we are excited for that! Basketball is harder to make it to than football, so this is a treat!! Plus, they are playing the Drummond Trojans, and they have a good relationship with that team. So, it is always fun to play them!
I did rediscover something this past weekend. Me + Costco + Sunday afternoon= DISASTER. I had to go pick some groceries up on Sunday so that we wouldn't be tempted to eat out this week. I don't normally shop for anything on the weekend. ANYTHING. I hate crowds...I hate waiting in line....I HATE not being able to get through a FREAKING aisle because everyone and their cat feels the need to block it in order to wait for that coveted 1/2 peice of ravioli that Costco happens to be pawning off that day. Grrr....I feel my blood pressure rising even thinking about it. But, it served as a good reminder that any and all shopping I do needs to get done M-Th, or Josh needs to do it. :)
And one last thing...I know it isn't Christmas anymore. But, I was searching for something completely different on Youtube last night...and this part of the movie Elf came up on the search. I LOVE this movie...and this is my favorite part. I laugh hysterically every time I see this I thought I would make you laugh today!
Until later,
While doing some blog surfing yesterday, I found a blog called "Sketch Saturday" and this is my card for sketch #35. I think most of the participants are from elsewhere in the world, which is very cool...can't wait to read their blogs. And, they do a lot of stamping. Well, I have never claimed to be the best stamper in the world, but I did do some basic stamping on my card for the sketch. And, I seem to be getting better at stamping as we continue to get more stamping sponsors at CPS...I just have my own way of doing it! This card features a lot of product from the "Chocolat" line by SEI. I love this line...and that background paper is my fave from the collection.

I did do another card with the scraps from this one...but I hate it. So, I am not posting it. It went directly to the crappy cards box. That is basically like getting a life sentence in prison at my goes to the box, never to be seen again. Hee hee!

I haven't done a music post in awhile, so I thought I would share a song and an artist that I love. His name is Joshua Radin, and I first heard this song when watching the movie "Catch & Release" (sidenote- I LOVE this movie. If you haven't ever seen it, I recommend this one too). The movie turned me on to his music, and I pretty much love everything he does. I have downloaded quite a bit of his music so far from iTunes, and hope to get more the next time I get an iTunes card. I hope you enjoy it!
(And I hope you don't find my random music posts annoying. I like to share little ways of getting to know me, without spreading my entire life all over the internet. If you hate my music posts, feel free to let me know. It won't hurt my feelings. Tee hee!)
Well, that is all I have for now. I hope that you have a wonderful rest of your Sunday. I am off to switch the laundry around, and then back to make some cards! Love lazy weekends at home like this one!
Until later,

Until later,

Anyways- after work we went to dinner at a little restaurant called Ciao Mambo, which was very enjoyable. And then went home and watched American Idol. It was a great day! :) My inlaws also sent me some flowers at work, and they are beautiful! I will get a photo of them this weekend as well so you can see them!
Today I just have a few cards to repost. January 1st marked the day I could load my cards that were in the November issue of Cards Magazine, and I figured today was a great day for that since I don't have anything new to share! The "Thanks Much" card with the tree is still one of my faves.
I will have some new projects to share this expect a post with new items on Saturday at some point!! I hope that you have an awesome Friday, and a fabulous weekend!

And now, back to valentine's mode. These next two cards use the "Romance" line by American Crafts (LOVE this paper line), and I decided to keep them clean and simple. You know- a card that can actually fit into a regular envelope?! That doesn't happen often when I make cards. :)

Well, I had better get going for now. I hope that everyone has had a wonderful start to your week!
Until later,
Josh and I are in savings mode right now, so I won't be spending much (if any) money on scrapbooking product for awhile. (Thankfully I have an ENTIRE room stocked full of product to use up, and just got some amazing goodie boxes from Cards Magazine. Those will come in handy while I am on a spending freeze!) I am in a Valentine's/love mood these days, so I am very thankful that I have quite a bit of this My Mind's Eye paper collection left. It is one of my favorite Valentine collections ever, and I think that is why I didn't use much of it. I just wanted to look at it! Hee hee! So, I busted it out last night and made up these two cards. I am trying this new thing where I immediately use as many of the scraps to make another card, and then toss the tiny peices that are left. I notice that I never go through my stack of using it up is the better idea!!
First up are the two Valentine's cards that I got done, and used the majority of my scraps up on the second one!! Isn't the ribbon on that first one GORGEOUS! I had a store credit to Michael's, and one of their sections of ribbons was 50% off last week. So, I did stock up on some ribbon with the store credit since it was such a great price!

Now a random music interlude for you....I love all kinds of music. I was only born in 1980, but I had young parents, aunts and a couple of cousins that I spent a lot of time with. So, I have a love for 80's music. I spent every summer away from my mom, and in Montana with my dad. Lots of songs remind me of the happy times during the summer, even though I missed my mom so much. I am reminded of hot days at the lake, boating and swimming. I remember riding with the top down or all the windows down and feeling the warm wind rush through my hair and past my face. I am reminded of tater-tots at Lynn's drive-in almost every single day with my aunt Amy, and my cousins Tammy and Cassie. I am reminded of the fact that me and my cousin Brandy would wear swimming suits all day long because you just never knew when we were going to jump into grandma's pool, or take a trip to the lake. These memories make me smile. This song was a favorite of many of the adults in my life, so I remember it well. It is one of my favorite 80's songs ever, I smile whenever I hear it and think back on those good times. Little trips down memory lane are fun...thanks for taking a small one with me.
Have a very happy Sunday,
Here are the randomly generated numbers for the winners of the Cardmaker Sketch Book, and the KI papers. Each winner will get a collection with both items.
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-01-10 00:54:20 UTC
So, congrats to:Your projects are just beautiful!! I'm making my hopes and dreams really easy this year. I picked 1 word for 2009 and it's FOCUS. I figured if I focus I will be able to organized, play more, finish projects, and evey spend more time with the fam. Thanks for a chance.
January 7, 2009 6:40 PM
Amy said...
Happy New Year to you Lea and congrats on getting your cards published in this sketch book. I would love to win one of them....I am so addicted to sketches right now. I hope that in the year 2009, my DH's business takes off and we can re-gain financial security. I also hope to be published in a paper crafting magazine.
Amy Ü
January 4, 2009 8:53 PM
Please email me your addresses to jnllawson at (sorry...don't want spam so you won't be able to copy it.)
- I just have a few things to share tonight. These are my Provo Craft assignments from December. I was assigned to do a Cricut project, and Cuttlebug project, and then a project with my tool choice...using Winter or Valentine's themes. This is what I came up with!

Good night,
Well, it comes with 4 sheets of each paper...and I pretty much never use more than 1 sheet of any paper. SO...I will be adding a collection of this cute KI Christmas-y/New Years-y/Wintery themed papers to the awesome new Card Sketch Book by Cardmakers Magazine. You have until the time I decide to post on Friday to leave a comment! I have loved reading about everyone's hopes and dreams for 2009. You might wonder why I asked about hopes and dreams rather than resolutions? Well- I don't know many people, including myself, who have ever kept a resolution. But hopes and dreams...they can last forever, and the are ever changing. And as you reach can continue on hoping and dreaming. I like that far better than making a resolution I can't keep. :) I look forward to reading more in the next few days.
Up next is the card I got done for this week's sketch at 2 Sketches 4 U (gasp!). It has been awhile since I have been able to join in over there...and I missed it! The sketch is fabulous this week...check it out here. This card is built on a Sheetload Shortcuts transparency (which are FABULOUS btw) it wasn't easy to photograph. Hope you get the gist of it!
This is my card for CPS sketch 98. We were sponsored by Sweet 'n Sassy stamps this week, and I chose these adorable deer/scripture stamps. I don't claim to be the best stamper in the world, but I hope I did them some justice. Be sure to check out the blog this week...lots of adorable cards done by the CPS gals. And be sure to keep checking back at CPS over the next few months...we have some VERY exciting stuff happening! ;)
And now some randomness. I spotted this coffee mug while picking up some necessities at Target last night. I am surprised I didn't break it, considering how quickly I plucked it off the someone was going to come grab it up before me. Nevermind that there were at least 10 of them on the shelf...I wanted it that bad. Tee hee...isn't it adorable?! Can't wait to have a cup of coffee or tea in it soon!
And before I sign off for now...I leave you with a song I just love by Band Of Horses. Hope you like it!
Until later,
Organization!! I need to get my scrapbook area organized so I could put this awesome book to use!! LOL
Thanks and best wishes for 2009!
January 7, 2009 1:42 PM