It's a "Sweet 'n Sassy" Friday!

July 10, 2009

Happy Friday friends! I am sitting in lab right now, done with my assignment and sick of looking over my slideshow. It is time to put it away for now, and look at it later with fresh eyes! So, I thought I would take my little moment of down time to get a post done.

I have my card for CPS sketch 123 to share with you today. We were sponsored by Sweet 'n Sassy stamps this week. We love SNS...they sponsor us quite a bit and we get to feature their new releases often! I chose this June release set called "Beautiful Borders", designed by the lovely Tami Mayberry...owner and sketch designer of the CPS blog! Isn't she just full of talent!!
"We Don't Stop Playing..." Card
Cardstock: Wausau
Paper/Rubons/Journal Spot: My Mind's Eye (Laundry Line collection- Flirty)
Paper Frill: Doodlebug Designs
Pearls: Kaiser Craft
Ink: StazOn (Cherry Pink) & Clearsnap Chalk Ink (Maroon)
Corner Rounder EK Success

Be sure to go and check out what the other CPS gals have come up with this week...lots of gorgeous cards (as always)! I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend. I have one last shot to take for my slideshow, and it requires a bit of a hike up the side of the mountain. Josh and I are doing that on wish us luck. I am not much of a hiking type...but its got to get done! :) We are going to go see the new Transformers movie this weekend as well...we waited for a bit so that the theatre wouldn't be as crowded (hopefully anways!).

Until later,


  1. Beautiful colors, and I love the pearls!

  2. Great card and I love the quote - it's one of my favorites.

    Good luck with your hike! I can't wait to see your photos. :)

  3. breaks are wonderful things. fresh eyes and a new perspective are priceless...

    great card here :D love the butterflies!

  4. Gorgeous Lea! Love those super yummy colors and that quote is wonderful!

    (-: Heidi

  5. Love this card Lea! Hope you are doing well and finding time to breathe! Take care ~Ash

  6. I adore your work my friend and I so look forward to your photography!!!! Thanks for sharing your incredible talent with all of us!!!! Hoping the second half goes well!!! Take care my friend!!!

  7. This is so pretty Lea! I loved the colors and that there are butterflies! LOL

    I just scrolled and went through your last few it sounds like you are loving school but what a killer wonder we never hear from you!!! I am still so far beyond thrilled that you are actually getting to go after this dream and I can not wait to see your photos that you are taking as you learn!! (hint hint)


  8. Beautiful card! I just love how you put it together!

  9. Beautiful! I had trouble thinking how I'd use the border stamps...but you did great with it!

  10. omwow! this is gorgeous lea, swoooon!

    (((hugs))) to you my friend!

  11. wow your blog is STUNNING, i love it!!! i've become a follower too. xxx

  12. Hi Lea,
    Beautiful card--I love the pearls and the butterflies. It's playful yet sophisticated. Thanks for your comment on my CPS123 card!
    Nance L.

  13. Oh wow! This one was snatched up before I could comment on it's amazing-ness! :o) Yippee on the publication! ♥♥ Kay


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