Back to Reality...

April 20, 2008

Well, we got home yesterday afternoon. Had some issues to deal with in our house....but I won't go into the details of that. We had an AWESOME time away....very relaxing. It was nice spending time with Josh's parents...we always look forward to that! I took tons of photos! So, for the next few days I will recap what we did, and post some of my favorite photos!

Our vacation officially started on Friday after I got off work. We drove over to Sheridan to spend the evening with my parents, and to be closer to Bozeman.

On Saturday morning we picked up Josh's parents at the Bozeman airport, and we all went to Casey's first track meet. He did pretty well. He placed in the 200m, and the two relays. But, he really struggled in what was one of his best events last year...the 400m.

This was him after the 400m. He was definitely out of shape, and lacking some practice. He also isn't nearly as strong as he was last year due to his elbow surgery. He isn't allowed to lift still, and he has lost a lot of muscle in his arms. He did realize after this meet that he is going to have to practice harder in order to make it to state this year in any of his personal events. I know he will get it done! After the track meet, we picked up some groceries for the evening....and made our way up to our condo in Big Sky!! That night we unpacked, cooked a nice dinner, and just chatted and relaxed.

We got up early the next morning to drive to Sheridan for service at my dad's church. He preached a good message, even though he felt it wasn't...and then we all went to lunch together. It was so nice to have my parents and Josh's parents together with us, being one big family. We had a great time, laughing and talking and enjoying the company. It is nice to have families that get along....we are so blessed in that area.

Once lunch was over we made our way back to Big Sky....stopping wherever we wanted along the way and getting groceries for the rest of the week. We did stop in Nevada City...which I have never done before. We always drive past Nevada City and stop in Virginia City instead. I am so glad we decided to stop here...because I got some photos that I love. Here are a few of my favorites.

First, I was enthralled with this old train car just sitting on the ground. All rusted and beat up....but beautiful in its own way. But....

I was more enthralled that for some reason it had a rear view mirror on it. It was a passenger I wasn't too sure about the reasoning behind the mirror. If anyone knows....let me in on the secret! :)
Restored buildings from the booming Gold era in Montana. If you look in some of the buildings, they have original pots and pans, and handmade curtains that look like rugged lace....for lack of a better term. Nevada City isn't open this time of year, so we couldn't actually go in to explore. I would love to do that this summer.

And this is just a shot of Josh and I that I liked on that old train car I was so enthralled with.

So, our vacation was off to a nice start. I will post some more about the trip and some more photos in the next couple of days.

Thanks for all the sweet comments while I was away! I will visit your blog soon!

Tomorrow means back to work,


  1. What beautiful pictures, Lea.
    So glad you have some FUN - and with family, too.
    You and Josh are C.U.T.E.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful , relaxing time away! Welcome back!


  3. Welcome home! Sounds and looks like a wonderful time.. that rear view mirror is odd?? Have a fun week back to work. ;0)

  4. Welcome home chick.

    BUT...Holy cow.

    Your lil' bro ran that much after surgery...what the hey?

    It just seems like yesterday. Even though it was only six months ago?

    That's one gutsy kid.

  5. Awesome pics! I will ask dh about the mirror on the train car(he is a train buff).

    Your vacations sounds great!

    Can't wait to see more pics!

  6. welcome back girl!! we missed ya, looks like you had a blast! Oh, and you are so adorable by the way!!! :)

  7. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Love your photos. TFS!

  8. WE MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HI HI HI!!!! I love love love love love the photos....oh man....what a fun trip!

  9. Love all the pics. Looks like your trip started off wonderfully. Can't wait to see the rest.

  10. So pleased you had a wonderful time!!
    Your photos are great ~ I can see why you were so taken with the old train car ~ it's oozing in character! Looking forward to seeing more of your trip :O) Gx

  11. wanted more details about your vacation so i came here! lol...

    love the pic of you and josh. sounds like you've had a nice time so far. looking forward to more details and pics!

  12. I LOVE your pics Lea!! Looks like you guys had a fabulous trip!!
    HUGS sweet girl!


  13. Lea, thanks for the lovely blog comment fellow MT scrapper. I've been a huge fan of your work for years!

  14. Fabulous pics!! I'll have to ask my hubby about the rear view mirror!

    Sounds like a wonderful time!! Glad you enjoyed it!


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