Vegas Summer CHA Recap

July 25, 2013

Hey here, everyone!!  Well...I am sitting in my hotel after a fun few days attending Summer CHA in Vegas.  It was SO great to finally meet the Glitz girls in person, and a lot of other fabulous people as well!!  I had so much fun and hope that this becomes a more regular experience for me!

Here is a look at the past few days in photos!  Up first is what the Glitz booth looked like!  They downsized it a bit since this was such a small show....but it was still fab!!

 Here I am with Kelly, one of the owners of Lawn Fawn!  I was on their DT for awhile, & was so excited I got to meet her in person!  Lawn Fawn has some seriously CUTE stuff this release, & they still put up some of my cards in their booth!  So fun!

This is me with Annabelle O'Malley.  We have "known" each other FOREVER...and now we have actually met in person.  She is SO awesome....and we spent a lot of time together over the past few days!

This is me with Lorena Canto.  She is a stamper & came to the show all the way from Bolivia! She found me at the Glitz booth, so of course....we had to take a photo. :)

Here I am with Sherri & Carol.  These girls are SERIOUSLY fun.  We talked about any & everything...and I am so excited to be moving within 3 hours of Sherri (she's up in Canada).  We have LOTS of scrappy plans to get together!  :)  You will see more of them later.

 I went to dinner on the first night of the show with Annabelle, Cindy (owner of Emma's Paperie) & Shay.  We went to Burgr in Planet Hollywood.  Seriously amazing food & the BEST cocktail I have ever had....blood orange cosmo.  I highly suggest it!

 Just some photos I took while walking the strip.

 Day two of the with Donna Salazar!  She partnered with Clearsnap awhile back & created my fave ink ever.

So- I had one of THOSE moments when Kelly Purkey stopped by the Glitz booth.  It went a little something like this, "Oh my gosh, you're Kelly Purkey."  (Like she doesn't know who she is.)  Then some stumbling of words as I get out how much I love her stamps from Simon Says Stamp.  I was seriously ridiculous, but she totally obliged me...and we got some cute photos!!

 Me with Alisha G.!!!  I have worked with this girl FOREVER with Cards Mag....finally just getting to see her in real life!!  So awesome!  And her new lines with Echo Park....amazing!!!!

And who doesn't love this girl?!  Got to take a quick moment & chat with Elizabeth.  Got to see sweet Myles too....who smiled & baby waved at me!!  He made me swoon (& want one of my own!!!!) and I swear he was flirting with me.  Cute little guy!

 Getting to meet Sharon from Prima!  She was the fab coordinator when I was on the Prima team!!  (She still is....I'm just no longer on the team.)  :)

These are some photos of some of my projects in the booth.

Here I'm with the owner of Chic Tags, Veronica, and Sherri & Carol again!

 Then I finally took a photo with just the Glitz girls....we were having so much fun that we kept forgetting to take a photo of just the 4 of us!

On the second night of the show, I went out to dinner with my friend, Danielle & her son.  Danielle & I go WAY BACK to childhood, and I haven't seen her since I was 14 years old!  It was so great to see her & catch up with her...and we've decided that our core group of friends from Arizona really need to have a reunion.  It would be SO fantastic!

And the last day of the show...being super silly.  And Carol totally being awesome at photo bombing....ha!!!

There you have it....a good look into my fun CHA trip!  I had so much fun....and I hope you liked a little peek into it!  And I realized something about myself...when someone tells me to be silly in a photo, I always blow a kiss.  It's the only thing that doesn't make me anxious in photos like that....tee hee!  Now- I better go pack!  My shuttle is coming at 6am....SO early.  Ha!  Have a great night!

Until later,


  1. Looks like you had so much fun! And I know Sherri too! I love in the same city!

  2. This is my dream poduvaty in such a place. and materials for scrap, it is even more a dream! Pictures are very positive and fun! And very pleased card with skeletons.

  3. Oh my!!! Glad you had such an amazing time. It's so awesome to meet scrappy friends in real life!!! Love reading your blog post.

  4. looks like you had SO much fun, Lea! thanks for giving us a peek into the CHA world with you:)

  5. Blah blah blah, CHA, paper, cards, pretty girls, blah blah blah LEA WANTS A BABY!! <----totally caught that part!! YAY! Have a baby. Tomorrow. Go. Make it happen. I {heart} babies!!!

  6. Oh my goodness Lea! I was laughing so hard at those last pix that even my dd asked if I was okay. They are hilarious. Yes Carol is pretty funny, but even more hilarious is that lady in the back. Who was SHE? No one knew here, lol. She was the ultimate photo bomber. Also funny is that you have all these photos of industry celebs, and then there's just me and Carol, just a couple of designers who stalked you apparently all weekend. Oh gosh girl, thanks so much for the laugh. So, so glad we met in person. I seriously feel like I've known you forever. We are totally getting together after you move. Before the snow flies would be great! Hugs xx

    1. I know, right?! (Talking about the blonde lady!) I have NO idea who she is....maybe she will find herself in these photos on my blog & let us know!! :)

      Definitely HAVE to get together before the snow flies! Unfortunately, I will have to be back in MT to shoot a wedding over the weekend of Scrapfest, so we will have to do that one next year. I had such a great time with both of you & you were absolutely not stalking me....ha!!!

  7. wow! that is frightning!!!! but so hillarious. Look at Sherri in those last two, are those bedroom eyes or killer eyes???? Hahahaaa!! It was so fun to meet you and hang out, glad we were able to keep you entertained.

  8. It looks like you had such a great time, Lea! I am jealous - would LOVE to go to something like this someday! Then I can stumble over my words when I bump into YOU! xo

    I am so excited for the new Glitz products and am eagerly waiting for them to show up in stores!

  9. LOVE the recap & meeting you ;) Somehow I missed getting your e-mail, so I'll be texting you to see if you'll share some of these FAB photos with me! Lots of love, had SUCH a blast getting to know you! xoxo

  10. I am SO jealous! This looks like the most fun ever. Thanks for sharing your photos! x

  11. Awww!!! What a great post, Lea! It made me re-live again my trip :) It was fantastic to meet you! I wish we had time to have that coffee, but on our last day we were soooo pressed with time. Sending hugs from Bolivia :)


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